Full Time RV Living For a Cause (RVers Supporting Veterans)

Описание к видео Full Time RV Living For a Cause (RVers Supporting Veterans)

The only thing better than Full Time RV Living, is Full Time RV Living For a Cause. Today, we present the check to Vets to Vets United from the RVers Supporting Veterans campaign.Here are links to all the channels that were involved in this great effort and a link to Vets To Vets United.

Happy Place Diaries:    / @happyplacediaries  
Our Epic RV Adventure:    / @epicrv  

Vets To Vets United: https://www.vetstovetsunited.org/

2 Doves Nation:    / @2dovesnation  
4 Everland RV:    / @4everlandrv988  
A Year To Volunteer:    / @ayeartovolunteer  
Blue Wave Odyssey:    / @bluwaveodyssey  
Changing Lanes:    / @changinglanes  
Coolest Life:    / @coolestlife  
Full Time Dream:    / @fulltimedreamrv  
Jarhead & Ginger’s Journey:    / @jarheadandgingersjourney  
JonesN2Travel:    / @jonesn2travel  
Mobiltec:    / mobiltec  
New Vision Security Services:    / @newvisionlcs  
Run Away With the Clarks:    / clarkscooldad  
Papa Drew’s RV:    / @papadrewsrv  
RaJen Adventures:    / @rajenadventures6141  
RV Underway:    / @rvunderway  
Steve Turtle:    / @steveturtle  
The Art Of RVing:    / @theartofrving  
You Me & the RV:    / @todayissomeday  

A percentage of everything we earn goes toward helping Veterans in need.
Watch this to see how it works:    • Money We Make On YouTube (Where it re...  

Here is how you can help us help Veterans:
1. Watch our videos
2. Subscribe to our channel
3. Like our videos 👍
4. Share our videos
5. Join us on Patreon and get access to exclusive content and get to know us a little better   / waywardwaggs  
6. Get your Wagg Swag at our store: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/wayward-...
7. Shop on Amazon: Making your Amazon purchases here doesn’t cost you any more money, we get a small commission, and all purchases are private. https://amzn.to/2LsVAm8
8. Donate through Super Chat when we go LIVE (100% of funds through Super Chat go directly to Veterans)
9. Donate on PayPal (100% of funds through PayPal go directly to Veterans) https://waywardwaggs.com/rving-for-vets (Scroll down to PayPal and click on the Donate button.

Watch us give away money to Veterans here👉   • RVing For Vets  

Special Thanks to our top patrons on Patreon:
Rick & Vickie Glenn https://www.instagram.com/profoundsee...
Micheal & Shelly (Our Epic RV Adventure)    / @epicrv  

Subscribe to our channel for free! 👉    / waywardwagg.  .
New to our channel? start here 👉   / watchv=nbg1sg.  .
Watch our other playlists here👇
RV Related Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7iTl...
Wagg Reviews: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7wSQ...
Travel & Adventure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuPMs...
About the Waggs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Z5Qi...

Thank you so much for watching. We appreciate the support and engagement. Please join us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and our website as well.
Facebook:   / wayward-waggs-2010320205867473  
Instagram:   / waywardwaggs  
Twitter:   / waywardwaggs  
Website: https://waywardwaggs.com/

Music: epidemicsound.com
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