Evolution Master Ceramic Palette.

Описание к видео Evolution Master Ceramic Palette.

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Evolution Master Palette comes in 2 colours (Black & White) and contains:
-Glass tray.
-4 strips.
-1 nylon worksheet.
-1 sponge.
-1 stain brush.

Setting up the palette:

Step 1:
Place the sponge in the water until it's fully wet. Drain ot and place it to the palette.

Step 2:
Place the strips or the sheet in the water until they are fully wet. Drain them and place them to the palette.

Step 3:
Place water under the glass tray to keep the strips or the sheet, moist.

Now you are ready to place your ceramics.


Glass work surface. Synthetic leather strips
keep ceramic mix continuously wet. Concealed
stain palette draw.
Evolution Master Ceramic Palette:

The Evolution Master Ceramic Palette has a sleek, contoured design. It’s ergonomic design is user friendly, allowing easy access to your ceramic materials without obtrusive, robust parts inhibiting your movements to the anterior portion of the tray.

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