Mega Man X6 No Damage (Zero): Ground Scaravich [Xtreme]

Описание к видео Mega Man X6 No Damage (Zero): Ground Scaravich [Xtreme]

Project: Mega Man X6, where I'm taking No Damage with Zero on Xtreme Mode. Note that parts will be used once they're acquired, so this isn't a minimalistic run or anything. Either way, whether you like X6 or not, hopefully you'll find enjoyment from this run. Thanks for dropping by.

...All right, I think I can avoid a huge wall of text this time, because a lot of this stage can be summed up in one word: RANDOM. This is without a doubt THE worst stage in the game, as well as the hardest. People like to bitch and moan about the Gate stages, but at least EVERYTHING'S THE SAME WHEN YOU RETRY THERE. I'm now convinced Capcom hired Satan to help design this stage, because this is a gift straight out of hell.

You see, not only are the rooms you're warped to randomized, but the layout can change from missing platforms that are supposed to be there, or added platforms AND hazards. For an example: that room I entered in B-2 can have extra spikes added to it or new walls to make the platforming harder that before. And like I said, these variants are ALSO randomized and you can't control what you get. Whatever you get, you've gotta deal with it. That makes practicing for this stage a waste of time because you can't just memorize RNG.

...Here's one of my personal issues with this stage: those damn rocks! They DON'T appear in a set pattern, they just fling out of nowhere with no fixed spawn spot and in a random quantity. One moment you come to a spot, you might only see like, one or two rolling rocks. But say you die and happen to get that same room again: you get back to that spot where you saw the rolling rocks only to see you've got about six of them hurling at you instead! AND mostly are the square ones that can sometimes home in on you (AT. RANDOM). The room I got in this video, you can at least avoid those rocks without much of an issue because once you deal with the leap of faith a few times, you'll just have to automatically assume there's a bunch of rocks ready to hurl at you and just wait it out before descending.


Yeah, okay. We've got a stage that's got a roguelike design with nothing but RNG. Let's just throw THE most RNG-heavy enemies in the game AND stuff them in there in mobs? This stage is nothing but a clusterfuck of Nightmare Viruses with zero intelligent thought into their placement. I bet my 10 year-old niece could make better enemy placement than this. At least their placements ARE fixed, but when the stage layout changes, that doesn't even fucking matter.

This is why I feel like it's necessary to come to this place last with ALL your techniques from the other Mavericks, or at least most of them. If you don't, just forget about No Damage. You'd be going from a challenge run to a masochistic minimalist run.

You want to know how many failed takes I had? Close to ONE THOUSAND. The RNG screwed with me so much, I think I've seen just about damn near EVERY variant of all the randomized rooms. It took me about 3 or 4 nights of recording sessions just to get a success...

Next up is Gate Lab 1.


Parts used (once they're acquired later in the run):

-Saber Plus
-Hyper Dash
-Master Saber

To explain what the ending difficulty analysis means:

Enemies - My ranking from a scale of 1 to 10 (from easiest to hardest respectively) on how difficult the enemies in a stage are. (NOTE: For this Boss Rush at the end of the run, I'll count the Maverick re-fights as enemies).

Platforming - Ranking for how platforming in a stage (i.e. Stage Hazards, Obstacles, etc.) affects the difficulty score.

Boss - Self-Explanatory.

The Overall Ranking's determined by averaging all three categories instead of just adding the numbers together. There's an exception to this, however. If any category warrants a 10/10, the overall score will raise to 10. This is because if at any point a stage puts me in the mindset that it feels like a 10, then the whole stage will be treated with the same difficulty overall because it isn't a very easy experience overall.

#MegaManX6 #NoDamage #Zero #NoDamageRun #Xtreme #MegaManX6NoDamage


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