Dormitabis But Every Turn a different character sings

Описание к видео Dormitabis But Every Turn a different character sings

This is my Betadthing for ‪@d3S0r‬s Dormitabis Remix (I think its his). I made a midi from the flp provided and then added slide notes where I felt was appropriate
Most chromatics and sprites were taken from the wiki, the ones that werent are credited as follows
‪@FoxyDimonGo_Studios‬ for Worth and Marblevoids sprites
‪@Tenzalt‬ for the sketches I used for Jacota PNG, as well as the composer of the original song
‪@EarthRealm_Studios‬ for his great Legion chromatic
TheLongestDiscordEver for providing me with Psycho Red and Danny Doritos sprites
The Neighbours mod for the Biker chromatic
‪@Real_ElectroZOfficial‬ for Jacks sprites and Chromatic
‪@MarbleVoid‬ for Marblevoids chromatic (as well as being an awesome person)
and finally, myself for making the Jacota, Demetrios, H4CK, Worth, Daidem and Darnell chromatic

And most of all, a special thank you to ‪@DJNcovers‬ for kicking me in the back and making me realise uploading is actually worth it.


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