汉语拼音 单韵母a o e i u üQuizlet 词卡学习平台 教学演示版

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Hi, guys. I am Jade. Let’s learn some simple Chinese every day.

Pinyin, or Hanyu Pinyin, is a system that spells Chinese names and words with the Latin alphabet based on our pronunciation. In Mandarin Chinese, it literally means 'spell sound'. It can be a really useful tool to help you learn the correct pronunciation of Mandarin words.

The system uses diacritics to mark the four tones of Mandarin. The diacritic is placed over the letter that represents the syllable nucleus.

The first tone is flat, which is represented by a macron (ˉ) added to the pinyin vowel.

The second tone is rising, which is denoted by an acute accent (ˊ).
The third tone is falling-rising, which is marked by a caron/háček (ˇ).
The fourth tone is falling, which is represented by a grave accent (ˋ):
The fifth tone is neutral, which is represented by a normal vowel without any accent mark.

Now, Let’s start from finals. a o e i u ü.
嘴巴张大 a a a
ā á ǎ à
ā yí 阿姨 auntie
shā fā 沙发 sofa
lǎ ba 喇叭 trumpet

公鸡打鸣 o o o
ō ó ǒ ò
dà fó 大佛 Buddha
dà bó 大伯 uncle
bō luó 菠萝 pineapple

大鹅游水 e e e
ē é ě è 鳄鱼 alligator
tiān é 天鹅 swan
é tóu 额头 forehead

漂亮新衣 i i i
ī í ǐ ì
dì di 弟弟 little brother
yī fu 衣服 clothes
mǔ jī 母鸡 hen

火车鸣笛 u u u
ū ú ǔ ù
hú li 狐狸 fox
mù lù 目录 content
jī mù 积木 building blocks

小鱼张嘴 ü ü ü
ǖ ǘ ǚ ǜ
máo lǘ 毛驴 donkey
nǚ hái 女孩 girl
lǜ shī 律师 lawyer

汉语拼音 单韵母a o e i u ü
Quizlet 词卡学习平台 教学演示版


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