Tirumala to Tirupati Ride in Ghat road || Skilled Bus driver

Описание к видео Tirumala to Tirupati Ride in Ghat road || Skilled Bus driver

Tirumala to Tirupati Ride in Ghat road || Skilled Bus driver #tirumala #Tiraupati #ghatroad #driving

How far is it from Tirupati to Tirumala?
The distance between Tirupati and Tirumala is 9 km. The road distance is 21.2 km.

What time does Tirumala Ghat close?
Pilgrims are requested to follow the travel time restrictions on ghat roads to ensure their safety. Normally, ghat roads are open between 3:00 AM and 00.00 Hours (21 Hours). However on special occasions, the vehicles are allowed to ply on ghat roads round the clock.

How far is Tirupati down to top?
The Devotees to fulfil their Vow to Lord Venkateswara will take this path to reach Tirumala on foot from Tirupati. It consists of a total 3550 Steps which makes a distance of 12 km.
Tirumala ghat roads are two asphalt steep natural slopes ghat roads between Tirupati and Tirumala. They are in Seshachalam Hills range in Pūrva Ghaṭ

The planning and execution of the old ghat road, which winds for 12 miles over hills and dales through dense jungles and in one portion across a deep valley, 200 feet wide have been accomplished with much engineering skill and ability by Diwan Bagadur A. Nageswara Ayyar, special engineer in charge.


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