Make Pyramids at HOME | How to Make Pyramids With Paper |

Описание к видео Make Pyramids at HOME | How to Make Pyramids With Paper |

#PyramidMaking #PyramidMeditation


00:00 Steps of How to Make Pyramid
3:34 Science Behind Pyramids
4:05 Types of Pyramids - Water Pyramid, Eye Pyramid, Knee Pyramid etc.

Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement is the one organisation that unites Pyramids & Meditation. PSSM is a non-religious, non-profit, non-cult, growing New-Age Spiritual movement. (

The sole mission is to spread Anapanasati Meditation, Vegetarianism, Spiritual Science and beneficial uses of Pyramid Energy to one and all .. all in a spirit of free service without any monetary considerations. (Learn Anapanasati Meditation:

It is headquartered at Pyramid Valley International, Bengaluru, which has the first Largest Meditational Pyramid in the world, and is also the symbol of New-Age Shambala. 5000 people can be seated inside the Pyramid (

One of World's Largest Meditation Pyramid is in Kadthal, called Maheshwara Maha Pyramid. 7000+ can be seated inside the Pyramid (

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Large pyramids (the kind you sit inside) are often used for Meditation, massage, acupuncture, and Reiki.
Many people have also experienced that after sleeping inside a pyramid they find that they need less sleep and feel more relaxed and at peace when they wake up.
Many people put their drinking water in pyramids to charge it with the pyramid's negative ions.
It is recommended to put a glass inside a pyramid for about half-an-hour, and large quantities overnight.
The Pyramid activates the energies of the pineal and pituitary glands. Users experience balance, relaxation, tranquility, well-being, and in some instances, the reduction of headaches.

Careful study reveals several unique and beneficial qualities that may be derived from Pyramid Meditation. Experienced Meditators relate profound results in their quest for expanded awareness. Many people feel that psychic powers are stimulated or heighten by the use of pyramids.
The Pyramid is a Geometri Amplifier which increases the power of prayer or strengthens the spiritual request of any seekers.
The use of a Pyramid in meditation can accelerate the process bringing feelings of calmness, wellbeing and a more open and positive attitude.
Many users claim increased memory recall, visions of past incarnations, telepathic communication and an expansion of awareness.

Common experiences of Using Pyramids For Meditation:
1. A sense of weightlessness.
2. Electric-like tingling sensations.
3. Feelings of warmness, usually in the upper portions of the body.
4. Tranquility, relaxation and freedom from tensions.
5. Dreams with vivid colors and graphic visions.
6. External stimuli, sight and sounds particularly fade away.
7. Time distortion, Space consciousness prevails.
8. Deeper, more fulfilling meditations and higher energy levels


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Pyramid Meditation Channel Hindi (#PMCHindi) is the official Hindi Media wing Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement (PSSM), managed by OneMedia Network. It is an unique new-age Spiritual channel, that envisions and endeavours to showcase the Universal Spiritual Truth and Reality to the whole of mankind through transformative, positive media.

The resources provides through this channel are information, not advice. The content provided is for general information only. The views, opinions and experiences shared are based on the individual's personal transformation. It is not intended to, and does not, amount to advice. It is not in any way an alternative to specific advice. Please exercise discretion while viewing.
इस चैनल के माध्यम से दिखाए जाने वाले हर एक वीडियो में केवल सामान्य जानकारी दी जा रही है, यह सलाह, परामर्श नहीं है | साझा किए गए विचार और अनुभव व्यक्ति के व्यक्तिगत परिवर्तन पर आधारित हैं। यह किसी भी तरह से विशिष्ट सलाह, परामर्श का विकल्प नहीं है। कृपया देखते समय अपने विवेक का प्रयोग करें।


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