Agile Point Game - Agile Game - Miro - Mural

Описание к видео Agile Point Game - Agile Game - Miro - Mural

This virtual agile game called the Agile Point Game was created by Richard Kasperowski and is inspired by the ballpoint game. This game helped to teach iteration, teamwork, planning, estimation, but also the importance of having a retrospective. There was some discussion about the vagueness of the rules of whether the rules of the game state you should have one, but what we discovered is that you will be shown the need for one either way based on the game's mechanics. Of course like any game think of ways you can modify it for your context and what you want to emphasize to teach. Truly a great game! I never knew how powerful writing your initials on a post-it could be.


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Sweta Mistry -
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Tim Dickey -
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Aruna Chandrasekharan -
LinkedIn Profile:   / arunachandrasekharan  

🔗🔗🔗 Link to the Game 🔗🔗🔗
Template - MIRO -
Template - MURAL -
Mural was created by Benjamin Dehant
   / @themuralista3204  

Game Creator:   / kasperowski  

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(Click the time to jump to the section of interest)

My intro - 0:00
Game Instructions - 0:54
Round 1 - 3:21
Round 2 - 6:43
Round 3 - 10:10
Round 4 - 13:27
Round 5 - 16:38
Retro - 20:10

✏️✏️✏️ Game Rules ✏️✏️✏️
Note: Always copy the template and lockdown everything that does not need to be moved or edited by the player.

It's easy to score a point:
To score a point, simply move a task from To Do to In Progress to Done.
But that would be too easy, and the game wouldn't be much of a game if that's all there was to it.

So there are a few more rules:
-All "work" must take place in the In Progress column.
-The "work" is to type your initials on the task card.
-You are the only person who can type your initials on the task card.
-To be able to move a task card to Done, every team member's initials must be visible on the card.
-If anyone makes a mistake, that's a quality problem. You cannot score a point on that task card until it goes back to the To-Do column and you erase everything that has been typed on the card.
-There are no other rules.

We’ll play 5 iterations of the game.
As a team, you keep track of your own score.
Your game facilitator will be the timekeeper.
Your game facilitator will be the Quality Control person. If you break a rule, she will let you know.
We will debrief at the end of the game.

#agilegames #scrum #Agile Point Game


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