Tekken 8 Hwoarang Custom Gameplay! Finally!

Описание к видео Tekken 8 Hwoarang Custom Gameplay! Finally!

Boy, oh boy, have I wanted to upload a Tekken 8 Hwoarang Online Longplay Video for quite some time! Outside, of course, of the One Perfect Match Series that we've got going on in Tekken 8. So because all the conditions on my end were more than adequate, I decided to get into as many matches as I could before the console went out on me again. In any case, over the weekend, we had a blast in the Tekken 8 community and I faced off, and got my behind whooped by a many awesome contenders. All donning their unique insignias. But folks, I wanted to do something particularly nostalgic on my end for these Hwoarang custom matches.

Instead of the usual Undead Kakashi custom character that we've been using, I decided to take it back to my old PS2 Smackdown custom characters library with the Undead Joker character. I used to trade these models with folks when it was allowable to do so on the PS2! I think the only difference was that my PS2 era Joker had a top hat and feather. This one's more modern! Still working on it! Hell, they always thought it was cool. I still think it's cool! Even now!

So folks, sit back and enjoy my first 25 minute video in quite some time! It was absolutely a blast to create. And we're nearly six months into Tekken 8 and it's been nothing but Good Times! Technical issues aside, of course! Also, you'll get a minor update as to what I've been up to! There's a big yikes awaiting you! LOL!


Also, I'll be tuning in to the Euro 2024 competition when I can. Also, Epic Times to be had outside of training, etc, etc! Wishing everyone an awesome Spring/Summer ahead!

#tekken8 #sports #gaming


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