NLP Reimprinting and Healer Within - Michael Carroll live demo

Описание к видео NLP Reimprinting and Healer Within - Michael Carroll live demo

In this demo you can watch Michael Carroll work with a client using 'Reimprinting' for emotional healing and the 'Healer Within' for physical healing of a health issue the client was exploring.

Reimprinting is an NLP process developed by Robert Dilts, using a spatial timeline as a means of mapping life experiences (both conscious and unconscious). The early life experiences (relative to context) create the imprint and the later life experiences occur as consequences of the generalisation of the imprint. Before a Reimprinting intervention, the imprint generalisation from the early years extends into the future through unconscious map building, so work on the future TimeLine is also required to take the new generalisation into the future.

The Reimprint processes breaks the historic generalisation by rebuilding choices through collapsing the historic anchors in 'first position' and collapsing attachment anchors in 'second position' if significant others were present in the original imprint.

The Healer Within process Michael uses later in the intervention, is a process developed by John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St Clair as a method to establish a healing frame, using involuntary signals as means of communicating and verifying the unconscious mind's ability and commitment to healing a physiological condition within a time frame set by the conscious mind.

The Healer Within, falls within a set of New Code NLP Patterns which utilise 'unconscious involuntary signals'. The first NLP process to use 'unconscious signals' was the 'Six Step Reframe'. originally developed in 1977 by John Grinder, whilst delivering a seminar for mental health professionals in St Paul's psychiatric hospital in Vancouver.

© Michael Carroll, NLP Academy, 2021

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