NINJA V with Photo Joseph

Описание к видео NINJA V with Photo Joseph

The Panasonic LUMIX S1H and ATOMOS NINJA V are now able to record 5.9K Apple ProRes RAW — and PhotoJoseph is here to show you how in this video. You'll see how to enable RAW output and recording, learn what resolutions and framerates are supported in both NTSC and PAL, and get some hints on how to expose when shooting ProRes RAW. Then, you'll see in Final Cut Pro X how easy it is to recover a 4+ stops over REC.709 exposed shot.

NINJA V and S1H owners gain these new RAW features free of charge. Users can update by downloading and installing AtomOS 10.52 Beta available from the Atomos website. Panasonic have released free firmware update version 2.1 on their LUMIX Global Customer Support website.

You can learn more about shooting 5.9K RAW with the LUMIX S1H and NINJA V over at www.atomos/academy/

#LUMIXS1H #AtomosNinjaV #AtomosProResRAW

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