Tesla Model 7 BMS__a079 Error - Battery needs to be replaced!

Описание к видео Tesla Model 7 BMS__a079 Error - Battery needs to be replaced!

Not too happy about this, but my Tesla Model Y started to have these BMS_a079 alerts.

Contacted Tesla Service and they say the battery pack needs to be replaced!?

Schedule an appointment, have to wait more than 2 weeks before it can be serviced.

In the mean time, it will only let me charge to about 30-40%, less than 100 Miles of range.

I will keep posting any updates and hopefully this problem gets resolved with a NEW battery pack of equal or greater range.

Before this happened, I was getting about 300 miles on a full charge, down from about 340 miles that it was rated for.

After the batter is replaced I will fully charge and see what the range is.


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