Understanding Server Side Ad Insertion: Challenges in CTV

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Connected TV (CTV) and Server-Side Ad Insertion (SSAI) have transformed digital advertising, but they come with unique challenges that impact ad delivery, measurement, and quality control. In this discussion, Alec and Maddie explore the complexities of CTV and SSAI, including the issues of fragmentation, measurement difficulties, and the risk of ad fraud.

SSAI enhances user experience by delivering ads and content seamlessly, but its proxy-based setup can obscure IP addresses, creating an opportunity for fraudulent activity. Maddie explains how Pixalate's advanced approach to SSAI traffic analysis leverages 12 MRC accreditations, covering CTV, Mobile, Web, and Desktop, to provide accurate, actionable insights.

Learn how Pixalate’s industry-leading metrics, backed by rigorous standards, help businesses navigate CTV’s fragmented ecosystem with confidence, enabling informed decision-making and enhanced ad quality. For those seeking transparency and reliability in CTV advertising, Pixalate offers the tools to mitigate risk and ensure accurate, trustworthy measurement.

Ready to tackle CTV and SSAI challenges? Join us to gain actionable insights into building a secure and effective ad ecosystem. For more on Pixalate's trusted solutions, contact us at [email protected].


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Pixalate is the market-leading fraud protection, privacy, and compliance analytics platform for Connected TV (CTV), Mobile Apps, and Websites.

Pixalate’s Analytics enables you to transact confidently using a scaled, omnichannel platform for fraud, brand safety, and display viewability. We monitor over 5+ million apps, 80 million domains, and 300+ million OTT devices - detecting over 40 types of invalid traffic (IVT) across Connected TV (CTV), Mobile Apps, and Website formats - to give you the industry’s only complete coverage platform.

We go beyond traditional analytics to give you the accuracy you are looking for in programmatic advertising.


Disclaimer: The content of this video reflects Pixalate’s opinions with respect to the factors that Pixalate believes can be useful to the digital media industry. Any proprietary data shared is grounded in Pixalate’s proprietary technology and analytics, which Pixalate is continuously evaluating and updating. Any references to outside sources should not be construed as endorsements. Pixalate’s opinions are just that - opinion, not facts or guarantees.


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