mole on hand or palm "हाथ पर तिल" (haath par til) or "हाथ की हथेली पर तिल"

Описание к видео mole on hand or palm "हाथ पर तिल" (haath par til) or "हाथ की हथेली पर तिल"

mole on hand or palm is referred to as "हाथ पर तिल" (haath par til) or "हाथ की हथेली पर तिल" (haath ki hatheli par til).

#facts #tips


The information provided about moles on the palm is based on cultural and traditional beliefs. It should not be considered as medical or astrological advice. For any medical concerns or health issues, please consult a healthcare professional or specialist. Interpretations from traditional beliefs and palmistry are based on personal experience and belief and may not have scientific validation.


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