This Is NOT The "Battlefield Killer"...

Описание к видео This Is NOT The "Battlefield Killer"...

Hey folks, today we are having a look at Delta Force Hawk Ops, apparently it's the so called Battlefield Killer, wich is BS in my eyes. Yes it copied various stuff from all the Battlefield but it just plays so different and the vehicles feel very bad in this game. Yes it's an alpha and a lot will change till the launch but i don't see where it can be as good as older Battlefield titles. It does still feel a bit klunky and unpolished but that's to be excpected from an alpha. I'm curious to see where it goes and if if it will end up beeing a pay 2 win or not. It sure is some competition for Battlefield and Call of Duty, wich is good for us players. It's a nice distraction until the next Battlefield comes out but only Battlefield can kill itself. And Dice and EA are on the best way to just do that. Kill Battlefield. Fingers crossed, that they learned their lesson and actually deliver a propper Battlefield game like we players want it! So what are your thoughts on the game so far? I'm really curious! Enjoy the Video!

0:00 What is Delta Force
2:18 Gameplay
6:24 Sniper Gameplay
7:00 Tank Gameplay
10:51 Helicopter Gameplay
11:45 Outro

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Thanks for taking your time to even read the description, i know 99% don't read it at all, myself most of the time included^^.

Thanks for watching, have a good one! Cheers!


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