A Very Ginger Christmas

Описание к видео A Very Ginger Christmas

A Very Ginger Christmas - Released 30.11.18
So back on October the 27th and 28th we undertook the mammoth task of recording a charity Christmas album in 24hrs. Each GingerDog artist was asked to come into the studio at an allotted time and record a Christmas song of their choice. What we have achieved is simply amazing to say the least! 12 tracks were recorded and mixed in just 24hrs and we have added a few more in for the artists that unfortunately were unavailable on those dates. What we have ended up with is an album that we are immensely proud of.
All profits from this album are going to Cancer Research and we'd like to thank all our artists for giving up their time to make all of this possible.
Special thanks have to go to Sam Thurlow and Fern Teather who were there for the whole 24hrs playing, singing, videoing and keeping spirits high. It wouldn't have happened without them!
And thanks to Sam for making the video below that will give you a little insight into the 24hrs that we achieved what probably shouldn't have been possible.
A Very Ginger Christmas is available to purchase from www.gingerdog.co.uk NOW! (All download orders will be sent tomorrow 30.11.18)


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