Which Laser Rotary Should I Buy?

Описание к видео Which Laser Rotary Should I Buy?

What's the difference between a roller rotary and a chuck rotary for a Co2 laser? What's the difference between the Rotoboss and Piburn rotaries? In this video I do my best to explain the differences!

Piburn: (This is an affiliate link): https://www.lensdigital.com/home/ref/...
Rotoboss: www.rotaryattachments.com
HM Laser Accessories: https://www.holgamods.com/holgamods/L...

Top Four Tips for Engraving:    • Laser Engraving Tips - Engraving Cutt...  
Want to learn more about my Mira7 Laser? Watch this video:    • 5 Reasons Why I Love my MIRA7!  

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