(Good King Wencelas) Tempus Adest Floridum (uke adaptation)

Описание к видео (Good King Wencelas) Tempus Adest Floridum (uke adaptation)

This one's a mutual gift, for / from my YouTube friend Ken Smith. He suggested "Good King Wencelas". I've always loved the melody and rhyme scheme, but been dubious of the lyrics.

I learned from my other friend Wikipedia, it's actually a reviled Victorian carol (from 1853) based on a 13th-century spring carol, "Tempus Adest Floridum", roughly "Now is the Time for Flowers".

I tweaked an even more recent English translation of the Latin song by Percy Dearmer (1867-1934). I love this version! Thank you, Ken!

For Season 670 of the Ukulele, seasonal songs, and 671, song gifts.





(C) Spring has now un(Am)wrapped the flowers
The (F) day is fast re(C)viving
(C) Life in all her (Am) growing powers
(F) Towards the light is (C) striving
(C) Gone the iron (Am) touch of cold
(F) Winter time and (C) frost time
(C) Seedlings, (F) working (Am) through the (G) mould
(C) Now make (F) up for (C)lo(Fadd9)ost (C) time

(C) Herb and plant that, (Am) winter long
(F) Slumbered at their (C) leisure
(C) Now bestirring, (Am) green and strong
(F) Find in growth their (C) pleasure
(C) All the world with (Am) beauty fills
(F) Gold the green en(C)hancing
(C) Flowers make (F) glee a(Am)mong the (G) hills
(C) Set the (F) meadows (C) da(Fadd9)an(C)cing

(C) Through each wonder (Am) of fair days
(F) Nature's self ex(C)presses
(C) Beauty follows (Am) all her ways
(F) As the world she (C) blesses
(C) So, as she re(Am)news the earth
(F) Artist without (C) rival
(C) In her (F) grace of (Am) glad new (G) birth
(C) We must (F) seek re(C)vi(Fadd9)i(C)val

(C) Earth puts on her (Am) dress of glee
(F) Flowers and grasses (C) hide her
(C) We go forth in (Am) unity
(F) Family all be(C)side her
(C) For, as we this (Am) glory see
(F) In the awakening (C) season
(C) Reason (F) learns the (Am) heart's de(G)cree
(C) Hearts are (F) led by (C)re(Fadd9)ea(C)son

(Fadd9) = 0020


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