PSX Longplay [259] Tiny Toon Adventures: Toonenstein - Dare to Scare!

Описание к видео PSX Longplay [259] Tiny Toon Adventures: Toonenstein - Dare to Scare!

Played by: Mad-Matt

Another adventure for the younger gamer. I played on Hard to add a little challenge, and challenge it certainly added with hours of frustration to produce this video.

The objective is simple. Activate all switches to provide power to the lift to explore another level, rescue your friend and find the code to the riches before escaping. On hard mode however, you have the spinner of despair which adds a few gotchas to slow the game down. The spin result is not random as they are predetermined since the start of the game. It does not matter which order you activate switches, the result of the spinner will always be the same order. If the spinner lands on Hamton, you need to go find him before you can take the lift to another level. If the spinner lands on Elmyra, then this is where the trouble starts. She is on the hunt and unless you can successfully evade you will get sent right back to the start and have to powerup the lifts all over again.

You will see me take the pipe often to go outside as I do this to try and avoid Elmyra. Finding the correct order to activate stuff to avoid her is where the hours of frustration came in. On the top floor you need to alert Elmyra in order o get her out of her lab. If you don't you get the alternate ending shown at the end of the video.

00:00:00 Intro
00:08:30 Floor 1
00:18:36 Floor 2
00:30:25 Floor 3
00:39:20 Floor 4
00:51:05 Floor 2
01:03:50 Floor 0

01:19:30 - Alternate ending if Elmyra finds you after finding her lab. I think this is a much better ending than the short and abrupt actual ending. -
Disclaimer: Most videos by World of Longplays use SaveStates!


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