SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI V: Vengeance 1 Turn Satan Hard Mode (No NG+/No Dana's Wisdom)

Описание к видео SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI V: Vengeance 1 Turn Satan Hard Mode (No NG+/No Dana's Wisdom)

I am not the first to achieve this. Someone from Bilibili achieve this. This is to showcase it can be done without Dagda Danu Magatsuhi skill.

Ngl, this is actually less stressful than my own 2 turn Satan Hard mode because I don't need to deal with Debilitate Rng.

Strat is mostly the same as 2 turn one. You use Horus first so when you change to Arahabaki, he will get Impalers Animus.

This is actually one of the Rng you need to deal with Nahobeeho. The moment you use Strategize, its actually Rng the amount it reduces. If I see the pixel is near or at the M letter in Magatsuhi, I'm good.

You then setup the same as usual with Loa+Virus Carrier. With my Gog, I can have one margin of error aka one of the demons didn't inflict ailments. If all of your Virus Carrier inflict the ailments but your Magatsuhi gauge isn't full, you have a turn for Evergreen Dance so all isn't lost there if your gauge isn't what you wanted. Same as 2 turn, I used my calamity sutra to bump up my ailment potential for all my demons. If you want even better success, bump up your Virus Carriers luck stat that you all hoarded.

Adversity is used here and it stack with Strategize. Thats why I was on low hp since iirc 1hp is like 3.397x which is almost same value as Impaler Glory. Since Adversity can be combined with Animus for damage amd piercing, this is optimal.

I wanna see a different kind of 1 turn strat for Satan. Pretty sure there is one more that I'm overlooking.


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