[2025]: Appium Mobile App Automation Testing: Android Emulator + BDD (Cucumber)

Описание к видео [2025]: Appium Mobile App Automation Testing: Android Emulator + BDD (Cucumber)

This course is easy step by step approach to build a practical Appium Automation testing on a Android emulator using Java.

00:00:00 Introduction to this course
00:00:51 By the end of this course - what you will be able to achieve
00:02:51 Contents of this course
00:06:18 Installation of Intellij, Java, Maven
00:25:28 Installation of node in our machine
00:25:88 Installation of Appium in our machine
00:32:08 Installation sdk platform tools
00:37:30 Installation android sdk platform tools - part 2
00:38:28 Setting up the environment variables post sdk platform tool setup
00:45:30 Installation of the android studio in our machine to setup Android virtual device (AVD) or Emulator
00:53:28 Installing the Sample mobile App in Emulator (Application under test) in our emulator
00:58:11 Some details of the mobile app that we are going to test
01:04:32 About Capabilities, what are capabilities setup for appium script. Why is it important
01:15:47 Creating the appium project in intellij
01:20:08 About appium drivers and Why is it important
01:25:12 Launching our mobile app in emulator using the appium scripts - small piece of code involving setting up capabilities
01:39:50 Download and install appium inspector
01:42:41 Example of appium inspector to capture selectors of Uber/Reddit App
01:48:34 About Appium locator strategies and selectors
01:51:33 Inspecting elements of mobile app using appium inspector
02:03:47: Adding some assertions in our test scripts
02:11:56: Quick introduction to BDD Framework
02:13:27: Integrating existing appium scripts with BDD (Cucumber) framework and creating a readable html report



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