Weekly Class On Bitachon (Trust) // Gate of Trust #34

Описание к видео Weekly Class On Bitachon (Trust) // Gate of Trust #34

Your life is an entire book; a story waiting to be told. But in an increasingly uncertain world, you cannot always write your own plot. Instead of walking the path of your own choosing, you often find yourself swimming in a sea of suspense, bobbing up and down amidst its waves of worry. How, you wonder, do you find solid footing?

A millennium ago, Rabbeinu Bachya ibn Pekudah addressed this question in Chovot Halevavot, Shaar Habitachon, a comprehensive work that patiently charts the Jewish path of bitachon. It is the rock-solid trust in G-d, developed when we learn to see past the screen of human control and hold onto the hand of G-d that lies behind it. Released from the dictates of the world, we discover the serenity of a profound relationship with G-d.


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