Philip Russell plenary presentation: Emerging Applications of Photonic Crystal Fibers

Описание к видео Philip Russell plenary presentation: Emerging Applications of Photonic Crystal Fibers

Presented at SPIE Photonics West 2016 -

In this plenary session, Philip Russel of the Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light (Germany) points out that the well-controlled guided modes and long path-lengths offered by both solid and hollow core photonic crystal fibres (PCFs) permit remarkable enhancements (and in some cases reductions) in many kinds of light-matter interaction.

Recent examples include: Ultrafast spectrally bright deep and vacuum UV sources based on gas-filled hollow core PCF (pressure-tunable dispersion is a unique feature); generation of stable bright deep UV supercontinuum light in PCF drawn from the fluorozirconate glass ZBLAN; OAM-birefringent helically twisted PCF that preserves the sign of orbital angular momentum; and light-driven optoacoustic devices that permit stable high harmonic mode-locking of fiber ring lasers at GHz repetition rates.

Philip Russell is a Director at the Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light in Erlangen, Germany. A fellow of the Royal Society and the Optical Society (OSA), he specializes in scientific applications of photonic crystal fibre, which he first proposed in 1991. He is the 2015 President of OSA.


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