Motorcycle Viking Bag Review [Dagr Sissy Bar Bag]

Описание к видео Motorcycle Viking Bag Review [Dagr Sissy Bar Bag]

We love Viking bags and Panniers so was stoked when the guys over at asked us to review their sissy bar bag.

As you can see in the video I don't have a sissy bar on a triumph Tiger 1200 XRT but why should us adventure or street bike riders miss out? with a little adjusting you can easily use this bag as a standard top box style bag, and it's awesome.

Plenty of space in the big open section and two pockets either side for accessories, plus a further pocket in the front flap which I used for cables and other small bits.

Heres the link to the bag

Getting the bag in place was relatively simple using the straps provided, I just went around the back seat and the pannier holders.

More difficult to take it off to use it in its back pack mode but hey I have another pack I prefer anyhow.

The bag is a decent size, I carry a small camera accessories bag, another bag full of motorcycle essentials, a lap top, some tools, a drink etc.

It should fit a helmet as well though I didn't fully try this option.

Links for the equipment as follows.

Would I buy one? absolutely, in fact Im keeping it on my bike as prefer it to my top box, its just a nicer more accommodating size for what I need.

Any questions fire away.

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