AS chemistry paper1part 6 2018 oct nov 9701 11

Описание к видео AS chemistry paper1part 6 2018 oct nov 9701 11

Welcome to my channel "chemistrywithSumitPramar" 📚 In today's video, we're going to discuss solutions of AS level chemistry paper 1(mcq) from the year 2018. If you're a student gearing up for your AS-Level Chemistry exams, you've come to the right place.

🔬 In this comprehensive video, we'll be:

📌 Exploring a selection of challenging AS-Level Chemistry past paper questions.
🧪 Providing step-by-step solutions and explanations to help you understand the concepts.
📊 Offering tips and strategies on how to approach different types of questions.
✅ Ensuring you're well-prepared to tackle your upcoming exams with confidence.
Whether you're studying AQA, OCR, Edexcel, or any other exam board, our solutions are designed to cover a wide range of topics and question types commonly found in AS-level chemistry papers.
Q26. Sodium reacts with 1 mol of compound Y to produce 1 mol of H2(g).
Which compound could Y be?
Q27. Which compound shows optical isomerism and gives a positive test with alkaline aqueous iodine?
Q28. Ethanedioic acid, HO2CCO2H, is reduced using an excess of lithium aluminium hydride, LiAlH4.
What is the organic product of the reaction?
Q29. The diester shown can be hydrolysed by heating with an excess of aqueous sodium hydroxide.What would the products of this reaction be?
Q30. J is a branched-chain alcohol, C5H12O. J is heated under reflux with an excess of Cr2O7 2– /H+ until no further reaction occurs. An organic compound K is formed in good yield. The infra-red spectrum of K is shown.
#chemistry with sumit pramar
#AS chemistry
#past paper solution


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