Camino a Santiago Day 26: Villafranca del Bierzo to O’Cebreiro

Описание к видео Camino a Santiago Day 26: Villafranca del Bierzo to O’Cebreiro

What a difference a day makes. After a not so stellar day yesterday, today I was back on track, physically and mentally, and what a gorgeous day it was. Billed by some as the Queen stage along the Camino Frances for its drastic elevation gain at the end, it was worth every step. After all, how can you be in pain when walking through such magical forests and stunning mountain passes?

Also, I talk about the Holy Year along the Camino, and its significance for Catholics wanting to walk the Way.

The Portico de Gloria at the Cathedral in Santiago is NOT the Puerta del Perdón, or door of forgiveness. Rather it is the Puerta Santa or Holy Door that is.


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