動力火車 - 衝動 (歌詞+拼音)

Описание к видео 動力火車 - 衝動 (歌詞+拼音)

*想你的時候 像掉進一個黑洞 看不見天日 像寒雪般冰凍*
Xiǎng nǐ de shíhòu xiàng diàojìn yīgè hēidòng kàn bújiàn tiānrì xiàng hánxuě bān bīngdòng
When I miss you, it’s like falling into a black hole, I can’t see the sun, frozen like cold snow

*我始終不懂 愛與恨有什麼不同*
Wǒ shǐzhōng bù dǒng ài yǔ hèn yǒu shénme bùtóng
I still don’t understand, what’s the difference between love and hate

*你傷心的眼瞳 讓我慢慢失控 慢慢失控*
Nǐ shāngxīn de yǎntóng ràng wǒ mànmàn shīkòng mànmàn shīkòng
Your sorrowful eyes make me slowly lose control, slowly lose control


*擁抱的時候 卻得到一場落空 吹進心的風 是無情的嘲弄*
Yǒngbào de shíhòu què dédào yī chǎng luòkōng chuī jìn xīn de fēng shì wúqíng de cháonòng
When we embrace, it ends in emptiness, the wind blowing into my heart is a merciless mockery

*笑與哭不同 就算再痛也看不透*
Xiào yǔ kū bùtóng jiùsuàn zài tòng yě kàn bù tòu
Laughter and crying are different, even in pain, I can’t see through it

*你無言的嘴角 讓我慢慢衝動 慢慢衝動*
Nǐ wú yán de zuǐjiǎo ràng wǒ mànmàn chōngdòng mànmàn chōngdòng
Your silent lips make me slowly impulsive, slowly impulsive


*衝動 我的手在發抖*
Chōngdòng wǒ de shǒu zài fādǒu
Impulse, my hands are trembling

*愛情路是那麼陡 走了好久沒盡頭 你選擇留 我選擇走*
Àiqíng lù shì nàme dǒu zǒule hǎojiǔ méi jìntóu nǐ xuǎnzé liú wǒ xuǎnzé zǒu
The road of love is so steep, I’ve walked it for so long without an end, you chose to stay, I chose to leave


*衝動 我的心在顫抖 怎麼和時間搏鬥 雖然還是被捉弄*
Chōngdòng wǒ de xīn zài zhàndǒu zěnme hé shíjiān bódòu suīrán háishì bèi zhuōnòng
Impulse, my heart is trembling, how can I fight against time, though I’m still being toyed with

*愛你的衝動 心甘情願被你玩弄*
Ài nǐ de chōngdòng xīngānqíngyuàn bèi nǐ wánnòng
The impulse to love you, I’m willing to be toyed with by you


*擁抱的時候 卻得到一場落空 吹進心的風 是無情的嘲弄*
Yǒngbào de shíhòu què dédào yī chǎng luòkōng chuī jìn xīn de fēng shì wúqíng de cháonòng
When we embrace, it ends in emptiness, the wind blowing into my heart is a merciless mockery


*笑與哭不同 就算再痛也看不透*
Xiào yǔ kū bùtóng jiùsuàn zài tòng yě kàn bù tòu
Laughter and crying are different, even in pain, I can’t see through it


*衝動 我的手在發抖*
Chōngdòng wǒ de shǒu zài fādǒu
Impulse, my hands are trembling


*愛情路是那麼陡 走了好久沒盡頭 你選擇留 我選擇走*
Àiqíng lù shì nàme dǒu zǒule hǎojiǔ méi jìntóu nǐ xuǎnzé liú wǒ xuǎnzé zǒu
The road of love is so steep, I’ve walked it for so long without an end, you chose to stay, I chose to leave


*衝動 我的心在顫抖 怎麼和時間搏鬥 雖然還是被捉弄*
Chōngdòng wǒ de xīn zài zhàndǒu zěnme hé shíjiān bódòu suīrán háishì bèi zhuōnòng
Impulse, my heart is trembling, how can I fight against time, though I’m still being toyed with

*愛你的衝動 心甘情願被你玩弄*
Ài nǐ de chōngdòng xīngānqíngyuàn bèi nǐ wánnòng
The impulse to love you, I’m willing to be toyed with by you


*衝動 我的手在發抖*
Chōngdòng wǒ de shǒu zài fādǒu
Impulse, my hands are trembling

*愛情路是那麼陡 走了好久沒盡頭 你選擇留 我選擇走*
Àiqíng lù shì nàme dǒu zǒule hǎojiǔ méi jìntóu nǐ xuǎnzé liú wǒ xuǎnzé zǒu
The road of love is so steep, I’ve walked it for so long without an end, you chose to stay, I chose to leave


*衝動 我的心在顫抖 怎麼和時間搏鬥 雖然還是被捉弄*
Chōngdòng wǒ de xīn zài zhàndǒu zěnme hé shíjiān bódòu suīrán háishì bèi zhuōnòng
Impulse, my heart is trembling, how can I fight against time, though I’m still being toyed with


*愛你的衝動 心甘情願被你玩弄*
Ài nǐ de chōngdòng xīngānqíngyuàn bèi nǐ wánnòng
The impulse to love you, I’m willing to be toyed with by you



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