Empire LRP Kallavesi Kit: Aetheldreda Costume

Описание к видео Empire LRP Kallavesi Kit: Aetheldreda Costume

This is my first Empire LRP video blog. We filmed it spontaneously, then I spent hours and days editing it because my laptop just can't handle video editing. I really hope the effort paid off, though.

Let me know if you want me to make more videos and what you'd like to see, then subscribe to make sure you see them!

[Please note I am not a writer, game designer, member of crew or other real world point of authority for Empire LRP, its rules or its costumes. I simply play the game and wanted to share my costume with you.]

Within the video there are a few screenshots of text from the Empire LRP wiki. Here are the most relevant pages:
Overview of Empire LRP: https://www.profounddecisions.co.uk/e...
Kallavesi wiki: https://www.profounddecisions.co.uk/e...
Wintermark look & feel wiki: https://www.profounddecisions.co.uk/e...
Wintermark costume guide: https://www.profounddecisions.co.uk/e...

Where I got my costume:

Fangs from Scarecrow Fangs.
Penannular brooch from Merchant Ventures.
Dangly headdress from [eviiiiil!!].
Skirts and shoes were gifts.
Hats unknown.
Ammonite necklace from Handmade Kellie.
Raven skull seems to be by Alchemy England.
Glasses from Zanoza Workshop.
All other garments, accessories and jewellery were handmade by me or bought secondhand.
Feathers from various sources.
Cottons, linens and wool from: Fancy Silk Store; Herts Fabrics, EU Fabrics; e-bay remnants. Leather effect vinyl and purple polyester or polycotton from: Birmingham Rag Market. Artificial felt from Hobbycraft.


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