What is a Martial Arts Ministry?

Описание к видео What is a Martial Arts Ministry?

http://acdainc.org - In this video I discuss what a Christian Martial Arts Ministry really is all about.

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Do you already have a Martial Arts Ministry but need a solid Bible Study for Your Students - We Got you covered in our book, "Bible Studies for Belts" check it our on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Complete-Bible...

You can find all of the American Christian Defense Alliance, Inc. Martial Arts Books here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/John-Blackman/...

General Transcript:

What is a Martial Arts Ministry? Well a lot of that depends on who you ask, and potentially when in history you ask it. Today’s contemporary churches that have established Martial Arts Ministries may utilize their ministry for the youth or as a form of fellowship – all of which is great but I think it’s important to reevaluate how we define a Martial Arts Ministry.

Although fellowship and youth engagement are desirable results of establishing a Martial Arts Ministry, it should not be the primary focus of a Martial Arts Ministry. The primary focus of a Martial Arts Ministry is to disciple believers in the faith while preparing them in a realistic way to overcome dangerous life threatening situations through the use of Martial Arts.

It should be noted here that although Martial Arts can be used as a tool that God uses to ultimately lead someone to the knowledge of the truth in Jesus Christ, evangelism is not the primary goal of a Martial Arts Ministry.

Now there’s nothing wrong with doing public demonstrations of various skills that you may have acquired from the Martial Arts Ministry to help generate interest in learning more about your ministry. However, it should not be something that is regularly done. Consider doing these types of demonstrations once or twice a year at most.

And while we’re discussing demonstrations, it’s important to note here that demo teams that demonstrate various katas or set patterns and routines of weapons or hand-to-hand techniques is not something that you should be demonstrating because they provide little value to your overall goal.

In fact, in my humble opinion these set movements give the student a false sense of security and offer little in the way of practical self-defense techniques. These types of so-called martial arts styles actually make the students learning it less safe.

I know this may offend some of the traditional martial arts instructors out there who rely heavily on these types of set patterns and techniques but I’m hoping that you remain focus on what your purpose is as a Christian Martial Arts Instructor. Remember one of the primary goals of a Martial Arts Ministry is to prepare students to defend themselves in life-threatening situations in a realistic way – key word to remember here is, “Realistic”.

I look forward to serving you in the near future in the Complete Course - I'll See You on the Inside.

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God Bless,

2 Tim 1:7



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