EXIT VELO SHOWDOWN: DeMarini The Goods 2-pc vs. Warstic Bonesaber Hybrid BBCOR

Описание к видео EXIT VELO SHOWDOWN: DeMarini The Goods 2-pc vs. Warstic Bonesaber Hybrid BBCOR

Today we're on the Hittrax to see how the new 2023 Bonesaber Hybrid BBCOR stacks up against THE GOODS.

BBCOR rankings and every Bat Bro Scale can be found at https://baseballbatbros.com/
Bat Bros Merch: https://baseballbatbros.com/collectio...

And here is where you can check out the bats used in today's video:
2023 Bonesaber Hybrid: https://www.justbats.com/product/wars...
DeMarini The Goods 2-pc: https://www.justbats.com/product/dema...
Baseballs we used: https://www.champrosports.com/product...


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