Summer 2021 Truck Spotting Finale

Описание к видео Summer 2021 Truck Spotting Finale

As much as this summer was a blast, I understand I didn't come close to the amount of produced videos last summer. As compensation, I am planning some trips this fall to cover the losses. Ideas are as follows:

- Possibly one or two more truck shows depending on distance.
- A "Fall Colors On 222" Video
- And somehow, someway, a Navistar hunt

With that out of the way, let's talk about this video!

Here is the rest of my Summer 2021 footage all wrapped up together. It contains quite the variety, both of old iron and new, in many locations. Several cabovers, and quite the handful of Navistars made the cut too! To top everything off, a whole bunch of Jake Brakes on the "Big Hill", and some quad horns for good measure.

Thanks for watching and I hope you all had a great summer!


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