Gioji Temple, Kyoto - 祇王寺●京都 - Japan As It Truly Is

Описание к видео Gioji Temple, Kyoto - 祇王寺●京都 - Japan As It Truly Is

Gioji Temple is a small and often overlooked temple in Arashiyama, Kyoto. From late spring its moss garden is gorgeous.

It's sometimes called the poor man's Kokedera, referring to another temple in Arashiyama that's the most expensive in Kyoto and requires advanced reservations to see. Its moss garden is the most famous, but for those who can't afford it or set up the appointment, Gioji Temple makes a quick and inexpensive substitute. To see the autumn colors (usually the 2nd half of November) its beautiful maple trees also an excellent place to visit.
Gioji also has a treasure house with items going back over 8 centuries.
Admission is 300 yen, and is just a bit south of the Adashino Nenbutsuji Temple    • Adashino Nenbutsu-ji, Arashiyama Kyot...   which is also well worth visiting.

Their website is:
Open 9 AM - 5 PM (last entry 4:30 PM).
If you also plan to see Daikakuji Temple, there is a combo ticket for 600 yen.

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