Siruvachur MaduraKaliamman Songsசிறுவாச்சூர் மதுரகாளியம்மன் பாடல்கள்

Описание к видео Siruvachur MaduraKaliamman Songsசிறுவாச்சூர் மதுரகாளியம்மன் பாடல்கள்

I, Dolphin Ramanathan (9345169639)residing at 13, Bharathiyar 2nd street,S.S.Colony,Madurai 625010,Tamilnadu,India
have uploaded a video of Siruvachur MaduraKaliamman Songs.
I have uploaded this video only as a FAIR USE and not with the intention of commercial or monetary benfits nor to compete with the original owners nor to create a negative impact in their market.
I once again assure you that i do not want any monetary benefits.My intention is to make Siruvachur MaduraKaliamman Devotees to get the benefits by watching and hearing beautiful songs on MaduraKaliamman May Goddess Siruvachur MadurKaliamman Shower Her Blessings on the Viewers of this video with health and wealth and all Prosperity and success in their life by showing Ways of Relief by the Problems Faced by them in their Family, Business, etc.The word Kavacham means PROTECTION.I request humbly the original owners to kindly allow me to use the songs and I do not want the monetary benefits.


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