Bajrakanti Pallavi II Odissi II Ranjana Gauhar II Padmashree II SNA Awardee

Описание к видео Bajrakanti Pallavi II Odissi II Ranjana Gauhar II Padmashree II SNA Awardee

As the sanskrit word suggests `Pallavi` means to blossom. The dance blossoms out in the tender movements, like the tendrils of a creeper.
Beginning from simple movements of pure dance, to complicated steps interwoven with rhythmic syllable, this item represents the journey of the self, from the mundance to the spiritual elevation.
This item marks the sculpturesque poses and neat lines like the Orissan temple carvings.

Choreography: Legendary Guru Mayadhar Raut

Music Composition: Shri Rakhal Mohanty

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