If Dokkan Music was in Dragon Ball - AGL LR SSB Goku and Vegeta (ft. Zamasu OST) (Vegito vs. Zamasu)

Описание к видео If Dokkan Music was in Dragon Ball - AGL LR SSB Goku and Vegeta (ft. Zamasu OST) (Vegito vs. Zamasu)

This video is more of an experiment to see if I can make a whole saga length fight mend together, using the different OSTs to instead make an episodes soundtrack rather than making 3-4 individual videos focusing on each of the OSTs featured, let me know what you guys think! I will still do those shorter videos, but now that LR units are getting 2-3 OSTs a card consistently its been something I've wanted to try.

Hell, I've even wanted to take it a step further and even do an ENTIRE episode, instead replacing the OSTs with multiple dokkan osts from any character to kind of fit the bill, with YouTube copyright that's practically impossible, but I may look into other ways to upload those kind of videos. With how inconsistent I can be uploading I've tried to stray away from things like Patreon, but only time will tell.


just press the red button do I really have to put a link here

Xbox Gamertag:

who reads descriptions anymore nerd


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