Slash: My last words to Axl Rose

Описание к видео Slash: My last words to Axl Rose

CNN's Piers Morgan asks legendary guitarist Slash whether he'd ever reunite with Axl Rose and Guns N' Roses.

Slash on his new album, his relationship with Axl Rose and being a Halloween costume
Lisa France byline
By Lisa Respers France

Slash says the recording of his latest album was "quite an adventure" and "a memorable experience."

"We went in and we did this album live," he told CNN in a recent interview. "We did it in about five days. It was a lot of fun to make."

The not so fun part, he said, was that they all caught Covid despite being extremely careful, including traveling to Nashville to record via bus so they could avoid flying on planes. Slash said it happened just after he got vaccinated and thankfully everyone is recovered and well.

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