Understanding Client Script | Netsuite Training | Netsuite Technical Training | CloudFoundation

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Netsuite Technical Training is a valuable resource for anyone looking to gain a better understanding of the NetSuite platform and its various features.

NetSuite is a cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that provides businesses with a comprehensive suite of business applications.

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Topic Covered: -
This video is about Understanding Client Script in NetSuite.

1. The script will get the record ID of the SalesOrder with a specific record number using the "curve-recorded" function.
2. The script will also get the record type, which tells you what record you are accessing, by printing it in the log.
3. The "get field" function will give you the value of a field, but since we are not using it, we will not use it in the example.
4. The "save record" function will trigger as soon as a record is saved.
5. The "save record" function will execute any alerts, such as "Are you sure you want to save?" with "Yes" and "No" buttons.
6. The "save record" function will also enable certain fields that were disabled elsewhere.
7. The "save record" function can redirect to a different URL after the record has been saved.
8. The "validate field" function will execute when a field changes and validate the new value against the old value.
9. The "validate field" function will return "true" if the validation passes and "false" if it fails.
10. The "validate field" function uses a single parameter called the script context, which contains a current record object.

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