شرح موقع ebay وطريقة الربح منه + إثبات سحب 6USDT 🤑💰

Описание к видео شرح موقع ebay وطريقة الربح منه + إثبات سحب 6USDT 🤑💰

شرح موقع ebay وطريقة الربح منه + إثبات سحب 6USDT 🤑💰

رابط التسجيل في الموقع :


🔸 القناه الخاصه بنا : https://t.me/FictionalProfitsByInternet

🔸 الجروب الخاص بنا : https://t.me/Moneydollar4


📣 للاعلان والدعايا

تليجرام 👈 @kemokareem1 👉

For advertising and promotions

Telegram 👉 @kemokareem1 👈


APP download: https://ebysp.cc/app/

📥Profit list for each level📤
vip1 can only be used once. VIP2-VIP8 can do unlimited tasks every day. After completing the level, you can withdraw your principal and profits.
Deposit investment can only use USDT currency and select the TRC20 network.

VIP1: Invest $5 usdt, complete the task and withdraw the principal plus commission to withdraw 6 usdt.
VIP2: Invest $50 usdt, complete the task and withdraw the principal plus commission to withdraw more than 60 usdt
VIP3: Invest $200 usdt, complete the task and withdraw the principal plus commission to withdraw more than 280 usdt
VIP4: Invest $500 usdt, complete the task and withdraw the principal plus commission to withdraw more than 680 usdt
VIP5: Invest $2000 usdt, complete the task and withdraw the principal plus commission to withdraw more than 2600 usdt
VIP6: Invest $5000 usdt, complete the task and withdraw the principal plus commission to withdraw more than 7000 usdt
VIP7: Invest $20,000 usdt, complete the task and withdraw the principal plus commission to withdraw more than $27,000 usdt
VIP8: Invest more than $50,000 usdt, complete the task and withdraw the principal plus commission to withdraw more than 70,000 usdt

Company Telegram customer service: https://t.me/ebashopmall


لا تنسوا أن تدعمونا بالايك 👍 والاشتراك في القناة 📳 وتفعيل زر الجرس 🔔 ليصلكم كل جديد ♥️💪



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