捕鼠瓶 人鼠鬥智 The Better Mouse Trap

Описание к видео 捕鼠瓶 人鼠鬥智 The Better Mouse Trap

We are professional manufacturer of mouse traps. Our product: DIY Mouse Trap creates a safe, convenient, clean and human way of killing mice.
The device of DIY Mouse Trap prevents from clipping or gluing children and pets in the household. It does not cause bloody or mouse dying scenes in front of your face. After a mouse is caught in it, the fleas, plaque and virus... etc. of the mouse does spread. There is few air in the trap. Until the lid is close, the mouse will be in coma and die unconsciously. It is a very human appliance for catching mice.

"捕鼠瓶"的設計不會夾傷或黏到家中小朋友及寵物,也不會看到鼠輩垂死掙扎或當場血流滿地的噁心畫面,抓到老鼠後,其身上跳蚤、鼠疫、漢它病毒 ... 等等細菌不會散播或傳染,因其內部空氣不流通及氧氣稀少,老鼠將呈昏睡狀態,直到將蓋子蓋上後,令其缺氧,而不知不覺中靜靜的離開世間,可算是最人道的捕鼠利器。


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