在法国酿红酒,一天挑拣3000公斤葡萄,采摘酿造全靠手 | 葡萄酒 | 酒庄 | 红酒 | 农村 | 户外 | 美食 |

Описание к видео 在法国酿红酒,一天挑拣3000公斤葡萄,采摘酿造全靠手 | 葡萄酒 | 酒庄 | 红酒 | 农村 | 户外 | 美食 |

在法国酿红酒,一天挑拣3000公斤葡萄,采摘酿造全靠手 | 葡萄酒 | 酒庄 | 红酒 | 农村 | 户外 | 美食 |


Making wine in France, picking 3000 kg of grapes a day, picking and brewing all by hand | Wine | Wineries | Wine | Rural | Outdoor | Food |
Today Yooupi came to the Burgundy region of France, Burgundy is a red wine producing area, today I will finish the autumn grape picking with the local first class winery Besançno family, most of the red grapes in Burgundy are Pinot Noir grapes, which taste sweet and with floral aroma, but because of the soft flesh generally can not use the machine picking, can only choose to pick by hand. Afterwards, we explored the French wine making process and how the winemakers created the wines that conquered the taste buds of drinkers around the world. After the harvest, the winery friends prepared a delicious meal and sat down with everyone to eat and chat, a pleasant day.
For more interesting overseas videos, remember to follow Yooupi , updated every Sunday.

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