Hygiene Huddle | Transmission Control

Описание к видео Hygiene Huddle | Transmission Control

Welcome to the first episode of "Hygiene Huddle," where infection preventionists gather to share knowledge, discuss challenges, and explore solutions to improve hygiene and prevent infections in healthcare settings.

In this episode, our panel of experts dives into addressing non-compliance with hand hygiene and PPE, meeting new CDC isolation guidelines, and providing education that moves the needle on patient safety. On "Hygiene Huddle" we provide valuable insights and practical tips that you can implement in your own practice.

Stay tuned for more episodes of "Hygiene Huddle" as we continue to bring you the latest in infection prevention and control. Together, we can make a difference in patient care and safety.

#HygieneHuddle #InfectionPrevention #Healthcare #PatientSafety #InfectionControl #Teamwork


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