Kiting Drills to Improve Stall and Spin Recovery

Описание к видео Kiting Drills to Improve Stall and Spin Recovery

Thanks for tuning in. This is a great one for your long term safety. Work with a friend or instructor in a kind and friendly environment to figure this out. Seek out that nice grass, that sand dune or in our case, a rug so that you don't get roughed up. Wear full length pants and shirt, all the pads you have and good gloves. Use a small glider and choose a nice breeze.

It's a fact that the first time a new thing happens you don't realize what's happening and you don't respond well. On the second time you are more aware but don't respond well. On the third time you are aware and you respond well.

This means that you can get better at managing kiting or launching gone wrong and/or stall and spin recovery by doing a handful of these cycles. Naturally the odds get way better the more you do it and the more you practice.

Be less monkey and more bird. You'll notice that I mis-speak about this in the video at one point.


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