NARINA TROGON (Apaloderma narina) Afrikaans: Bosloerie , Natures Valley jewel of the Garden Route

Описание к видео NARINA TROGON (Apaloderma narina) Afrikaans: Bosloerie , Natures Valley jewel of the Garden Route

Apaloderma narina
afrikaans: Bosloerie
The Narina Trogon is a stunning forest bird found in sub-Saharan Africa. Here are ten interesting facts about this captivating species:
* Appearance: Narina Trogons display sexual dimorphism. Males sport vibrant metallic green plumage, a red belly, and a white throat, while females have more subdued plumage with green and brown hues.
* Habitat: They inhabit dense forests, including tropical and subtropical forests, often near rivers or streams.
* Range: Narina Trogons are found throughout sub-Saharan Africa, including South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and Kenya.
* Diet: Their diet primarily consists of insects, fruits, and occasionally small reptiles or amphibians.
* Breeding Behavior: Narina Trogons are cavity nesters, often utilizing old woodpecker holes or natural tree cavities for nesting sites.
* Voice: Their vocalizations include a variety of calls, including a series of soft, flute-like notes and a distinctive "coo-coo-coo" sound.
* Territoriality: Males defend their territories vigorously, particularly during breeding.
* Coloration: The vibrant plumage of male Narina Trogons serves as a visual display during courtship and is believed to play a role in territorial communication.
* Migratory Behavior: While some populations may undertake local movements for food or suitable nesting sites, Narina Trogons are generally non-migratory.
* Conservation Status: Although they are not currently considered globally threatened, habitat loss and degradation pose potential threats to Narina Trogon populations, particularly in areas where forest fragmentation occurs. Efforts to conserve their forest habitat are crucial for their long-term survival.
Canon R5 and Canon 100-500 Lens


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