廣州江南西驚現大量吉鋪!人均100元壽司店卻大排長龍!經濟差?實體店生意難做!最大outlet商場!美食旅遊推薦!交通路線!3人消費300元!街景!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

Описание к видео 廣州江南西驚現大量吉鋪!人均100元壽司店卻大排長龍!經濟差?實體店生意難做!最大outlet商場!美食旅遊推薦!交通路線!3人消費300元!街景!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

   / @huntingarcher  

#廣州 #壽司 #旅遊

GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/mjntpwgamwTLM...
餐廳消費:三人消費 ¥297
2005年7月21日中午12時位於廣東省廣州市海珠區江南大道中海珠城廣場工地基坑南端約100公尺長擋土牆發生倒塌,造成一段6公尺長的水泥路面下陷,同時造成位於工地旁的磚木結構平房倒塌,以及附近的海員賓館以及江南大道中196-202號居民樓結構受影響,其中海員賓館以及江南大道中196號海運宿舍1棟受損嚴重。附近合共160戶居民被撤走。導致5人被困。事故發生後,廣州地鐵二號線中大站至市二宮站區段雙向在2005年7月21日下午2時40分起停止運營, 導致二號線停駛23小時58分鐘。
7月22日凌晨1時45分,海員賓館北樓南側發生倒塌,並引起大火。廣州公安局消防支局於凌晨2時30分派出5輛指揮車以及25輛消防車前往救災,凌晨5時48分,大火被撲滅。下午2時38分,已停駛23小時58分鐘的廣州地鐵二號線中大站至市二宮站區段恢復運營,區段限速15公里。 7月24日凌晨4時,海員賓館發生小面積崩塌。 7月25日下午3時,以防賓館再次倒塌,搜救工作暫停。 7月26日凌晨4時57分,最後一名罹難者屍體被挖出。事故共造成3人死亡,3人受傷。
The Guangzhou Haizhu City Plaza construction site collapse accident occurred on July 21, 2005. On that day, a collapse occurred at the Haizhu City Plaza construction site located in Jiangnan Avenue, Haizhu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, causing a large-scale collapse of the nearby Seamen's Hotel and causing varying degrees of damage to nearby buildings. The accident caused 3 deaths and 3 injuries.
At 12 noon on July 21, 2005, a retaining wall about 100 meters long at the south end of the foundation pit of the Haizhu City Plaza construction site located in Jiangnan Avenue, Haizhu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province collapsed, causing a 6-meter-long cement road to sink. At the same time, the brick-and-wood structure bungalow next to the construction site collapsed, and the nearby Seamen's Hotel and the residential buildings No. 196-202 on Jiangnan Avenue were affected. Among them, the Seamen's Hotel and No. 196 Shipping Dormitory No. 1 on Jiangnan Avenue were seriously damaged. A total of 160 households nearby were evacuated. Resulting in 5 people being trapped. After the accident, the Guangzhou Metro Line 2 Zhongda Station to Shiergong Station section stopped operating in both directions at 2:40 pm on July 21, 2005, resulting in the suspension of Line 2 for 23 hours and 58 minutes.
On the other hand, the police blocked the two-way road of Jiangnan West Road. In addition, the Guangzhou Public Security Bureau dispatched more than 40 firefighters and more than 330 other police officers to participate in the rescue. And rescued 3 people at 4 pm on the same day.
At 1:45 am on July 22, the south side of the north building of the Seaman Hotel collapsed and caused a fire. The Guangzhou Public Security Bureau Fire Branch dispatched 5 command vehicles and 25 fire trucks to the disaster relief at 2:30 am. At 5:48 am, the fire was extinguished. At 2:38 pm, the Guangzhou Metro Line 2 Zhongda Station to Shiergong Station section, which had been suspended for 23 hours and 58 minutes, resumed operation, with a speed limit of 15 kilometers in the section. At 4 am on July 24, a small area of ​​the Seaman Hotel collapsed. At 3:00 pm on July 25, the search and rescue work was suspended to prevent the hotel from collapsing again. At 4:57 am on July 26, the body of the last victim was dug out. The accident caused a total of 3 deaths and 3 injuries.


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00:00 Intro
00:46 江南西地鐵站/富力海珠城/壽司郎排隊中
02:02 等待一小時終於入席/一件三口食壽司
12:55 行商場/炎炎夏日商場人流超高
21:00 江南西商圈美食旅遊推薦
28:26 涌現大量吉鋪/生意艱難
33:52 萬國廣場/買波鞋聖地/靠餐廳吸引人流
41:10 週邊美食旅遊推薦/旅行團價格
44:53 Ending
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #busy street #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #vlog #guangzhou #street food #chinese food #chinese food recipes #cantonese food #food tourism #china tourism #guangzhou vlog #china tourism vlog #chinese food tour #guangzhou food #廣州 #江南西 #壽司 #迴轉壽司 #壽司郎 #經濟差 #實體店 #outlet商場 #美食 #旅遊 #美食旅遊 #旅遊推薦 #交通路線 #街景 #商場 #outlet #富力海珠城 #三文魚 #food tour china #vlog china


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