Play Rummy Rummikub Tile Game - The Fast Simple Fun Easy Way - NOT MANUAL RULES

Описание к видео Play Rummy Rummikub Tile Game - The Fast Simple Fun Easy Way - NOT MANUAL RULES

Shuffle all tiles well with face down. Flip over a number tile and set it to the side. If it's a Smiley tile, flip it back over and reshuffle. You will have 15 stacks of 7 tiles, with 1 number tile left over. That's your discard pile starting line.

To place tiles down on a table you have to create Sets or Runs of at least 3 tiles. Sets has maximum 4 tiles; all different colors. Runs can have a maximum of 14 tiles; all the same color. 13,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13.

Remember, you can start a Run with 13, like 13,1,2... or end with a 1, like ...12,13,1. You can not have 12,13,1,2. Either ...11,12,13,1, or 13,1,2,3...

Your turn starts when you pickup a tile, either from the discard pile, or from the stacked pile. Your turn is over when you place a tile in the discard pile. You can only lay down tiles when it's your turn.

If you want to pick a tile from the discard pile, you must be able to use that tile in making a Set or Run. Only then the rest of the remaining tiles are yours to take.

You can only recombine Sets or Runs placed down on the table when it's your turn. If it's not your turn, you can't touch them. You can however, recombine what's on your board whenever you want.

If you have a long run like 13,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 you can split your Run into more Runs, like 13,1,2,3 - 4,5,6 - 7,8,9,10,11,12 which creates more possibility for you to add tiles. But doing this will open yourself up for other players to feed you their tiles more easily. If you keep it a long Run, all they can add is at the ends. It's best you keep it together, unless you really need to separate.

Only you are allowed to recombine your own Runs or Sets. Other players are not allowed to touch your tiles. They can only feed tiles to your Sets or Runs, they can not recombine your tiles.

No, you can not steal someone else's Smiley tile, if you happen to pick up a tile that the Smiley represents. That's just messed up, and some people play with that rule and it's just stupid.

You can end the game by either putting everything down, or by discarding your last piece on the board when it's your turn. Again, you always pickup first and end with discarding.

Recombining Sets and Runs that you have placed down on the table is a really good strategy, especially if you pickup a Smiley tile. But remember, when recombining, all tiles off the table have to be used to make new Sets or a Runs, of at least 3 tiles. If you have remaining tiles left over that you can not recombine with anything, see if you can feed them to the other players sets or runs. It's a point game, so anything you feed to other players becomes their points, but it's a really good way to end the game, or a really good way to trade small points for bigger points.

When a player clears all the tiles off their board, the round is over. That player receives all the tiles off the boards of the other players It is also a good strategy to end a game right after someone has picked up a whole lot of tiles from the discard pile. This ensures you''ll be getting lots points when you end the game. However, if you end the game prematurely, you could still lose if you don't have enough points to beat another player. The player with the highest points wins, not the one who ended the game. So before ending a game, see if you have enough points to beat the other players, but still keeping in mind you'll be getting all their points off their boards.

Now, if there's a piece in the discard pile that you really want and you're hoping to pick it up in the next round, you can discard a tile that you know the other player will probably pick up, so you can get your turn again to pick up that tile or tiles you want.

The other strategy is to discard a tile off your board that is already a Set or Run. This sets you up for picking up better pieces down the road. I usually do this with low point Runs or Sets, like 1,2,3, or 1,1,1, 2,2,2, etc...

For simplicity, I make any tiles from 10 to 13 to be worth 10 points. I give 10 points to Smiley tiles regardless of what number it represented. By the book, the Smiley is really worth 30, but I find that too advantageous and unfair, so I keep it at 10. All the other tiles are face value, but if you want to count all tiles at face value, you're welcome to do it. I do it this way for simplicity.

We usually play 3 out of 5 when it's 2 players. When it's 3 or 4 players, it's whoever wins the first 3 rounds.

One thing I found is that when you're playing with someone that takes forever to discard a tile. You could set a time of 1 minute turns. If they don't discard in 1 minute, they loose a turn in the next round. Just a thought. I've never played like that, but I've had friends who would take 5 minutes to discard a tile. Pathetic!


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