10 Years Old Hardworking Kid Selling FRENCH FRIES | Famous Afghani French Fries at Street Food

Описание к видео 10 Years Old Hardworking Kid Selling FRENCH FRIES | Famous Afghani French Fries at Street Food

10 Years Old Hardworking Kid Selling FRENCH FRIES | Famous Afghani French Fries at Street Food | hardworking Afghani Kid | Perfect French Fries Recipe Many people search about how to make French fries or how to make perfect French fries like MacDonald style kfc style French fries. after watching this video in which this 10 year old Afghani kid is making crispy French fries. you can make perfect and crispy French fries this hardworking kid at this age he done tremendous work great effort This is the most well known fries stall in his area Must give this a shot.

address: gujarnala block 2 nazimabad karachi

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