sweating buckets! - visual auras and treatments (full album)

Описание к видео sweating buckets! - visual auras and treatments (full album)


hi. this is a personal project i have been focusing on recently. i will try to make more acoustic covers again now.

0:00 1. fortunately, he snuck into my dream

we're sorry
for taking so long
we promise
love and
we promise
no critiques
his name was in my dream
his name was in my dream

we're sorry
i can't believe
i didn't trust what i wanted to think
found scratches inside of the coffin
his name was somewhere there

3:04 2. how to win prizes on the internet

can't talk to my crows
you stole all your friends' emotions
you're not even a metaphor
you're ending me and everything
you knew i didn't know how to tell them to leave
grey dark beaks turning pink
as all i have to eat is ate
left ear turned red again

i'm not ready to talk out loud
only an alternative to digging inside my head
i've lost my voice and i'm still the loudest in the room

fake photos of animals
my throat filled with dust

when i focus on your eyes
i'm not good at writing thoughts
when you focus on my eyes
i see someone else's art
when you take my eyes out
they rest better in your palms
when you put my eyes back in their sockets
i wonder when have i ever felt alone

7:05 3. bias


8:31 4. dragging yourself off of the road

today i wore my favourite necklace
and it kept chiming its bells
and it whispered behind my back
telling everyone around me to stay far away
and then heads were tilted up and down
and no one told me what had happened
so i kept on listening to nothing
all day was spent listening to nothing
i'm no better than them
we're all so blind but in whatever way we see fit
i don't want to tell you what way i live in

today i'll wear my worst necklace
and i'll bring something that i look like i know how to hold
there's a lot of words that i'll come back to read later
but that's okay
i'll be back some time
you just won't be able to hear me

11:44 5. character actor

wires pierce through your head like rabbit ears pointing away from our bed
just the thought of putting their own faces to the end of your neck, it feels wrong
every thought he has involves it and he can’t help but wonder
what other option could he possibly be thinking of

my friend calls out
who do I want you to know
who do I want you to know

if you latch onto your pain for the whole bus ride
the better all will become the longer you writhe
make noise to distract them
make noise and they’ll think, they’ll think that you’re gone
there’s still another half an hour to go

my friend calls out
who do you want me to know

17:13 6. hypocrisy


18:53 7. my best attempt to just stop and get over it

you keep putting that thought in the air
if you heard anything i said before
you'd know how bad you're really making it feel
if i had legs i'd run far far far far

i hate you for putting that thought in my mind
i made a promise and you fucking took it away from me
one day everybody will look into your eyes
they'll look at me back behind the bushes
they'll see me
and get the cue

22:01 8. on the top floor landing, sweating buckets



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