Orphaned Elephants Moved to Soft Release - Elephant Havens

Описание к видео Orphaned Elephants Moved to Soft Release - Elephant Havens

Elephant Havens is a registered nonprofit organization. Our Mission: Protect and Preserve the African Elephant.

1. Habitat Protection. We work with local governments and community leaders to set aside natural land as a wildlife refuge.

2. Rescue of orphaned elephants. We are on-call 24/7 to respond to reports of orphaned baby elephants. Once rescued, our full-time team of professional handlers cares for and raises the babies to prepare them for release into the wild.

3. Community Outreach. Our conservation model revolves around community empowerment. Through education and collaboration, we provide the resources needed to reduce wildlife conflict and empower the next generation to protect Botswana's natural resources.

Our mission is only possible through your generous support. Foster a baby elephant or fund a community project at https://elephanthavens.org/donate/


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