How to build an Invisalign ClinCheck treatment plan?

Описание к видео How to build an Invisalign ClinCheck treatment plan?

How to build an Invisalign ClinCheck treatment plan? How to look at a ClinCheck setup and transform it into a treatment plan? What should you look at first? The teeth or the face?
In this video, Dr. Stephane Reinhardt, Director of the Education Program for The C.L.E.A.R. Institute, and Dr. Adriana Garro, orthodontist and Global Clinical Director at ClearTPS, answer these questions as they review a case submitted to ClearTPS and they go over the whole process of how the case is evaluated to develop a clincheck treatment plan. Because it's not only about the teeth!

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0:00 Introduction
1:48 How we develop a treatment plan
3:26 How the software “thinks”
4:00 Difference between Setup and treatment plan
6:12 The 3 people involved in treatment planning
7:24 The process to send a case to ClearTPS
10:15 You are in control
10:56 How to ask for modifications
11:49 The reasons to use a treatment planning service
13:55 Let’s do what we love the most: jump into a case!
14:00 Who do we have?
14:25 The challenge
14:54 What to look for first
15:44 Harmony and symmetry of the face
16:55 Smile analysis
18:38 Profile analysis
20:20 Should you send a ceph
29:38 Let’s look at the teeth
31:48 The treatment planning sent by the doctor
33:43 Clinical preferences
36:32 Let’s look at the ClinCheck®
45:50 What about retention?
49:36 And posterior open bites?
53:10 It’s all about balance
53:30 Conclusion

The C.L.E.A.R. Institute's mission is to help dentists, and team members integrate efficiently and successfully clear aligners in their daily practice. We want you to be as comfortable talking about clear aligners to your patient as you are about any type of regular restoration. The vision of The C.L.E.A.R. Institute is that clear aligners treatment become as common as any type of regular dentistry performed in a dental office. We see it as part of any comprehensive treatment proposed to your patients. C.L.E.A.R. stands for Clinical Lecture Education Aligner and Restoration. Whether it is from live face-to-face courses, our digital platform, or this YouTube Channel, our goal is to bring you the information and education you need to succeed with clear aligners. This is why even if we focus on clear aligners, we also cover subjects such as Communication, Finance, Protocols, Roles of everyone, and Restoration. In today's dentistry, everything is integrated.

We want you to maintain that passion and this desire to learn and constantly improve. Become a better dentist. And better team members. For us, it's an honor and a privilege to be able to share our passion and knowledge with our peers. We never finish learning: education is never a waste of time! Follow us on our different platforms: The C.L.E.A.R. Institute is where dentists and team members "Make the MOVE"!

Who said dentistry and education should be boring❓❗❗❗

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