How NOT to love the Prophet (saw) - Ustadh Murtaza Khan

Описание к видео How NOT to love the Prophet (saw) - Ustadh Murtaza Khan

It occurred before! Shaykh Ibn Baaz [rh] was challenged publically by the leader of the takfeeri-esque Ibaadis and kept refusing because he said "the erronous and deviated views of this man had already been clearly exposed" and also said "your fallacies are known to the people" - had he debated him this would of created publicity for the person of innovation even if he was utterly defeated.

- A good example of this is bringing Nick Griffin onto Question Time during the election campaign. Even though Jack Straw embarassed him, he [Griffin] used this publicity to reach out to 1000s of sympathisers and also then used it as a show of how much he has "progressed up the levels of politics" in order to help market his party and gain support. Same with these mubtadis, dont give them the time of day. As Imaam Ibn Sireen did with the innovator in his time "I swear by Allaah I will not even listen to an aayah of Qur'an from you, so either you leave or I leave!".
Is there a need for a debate? Are we unaware of the Ash'aris and Maturidis and their deviations? Are we unaware of Abu Mansur and his evil? Are we unaware of Jahm ibn Safwan and his kufr? Are we not clear upon our aqeedah and manhaj? These people, have they not already been refuted in the past [ / this forum / ulama like Allaamah Ehsan, Shams ud-Deen al-Afghaani etc]?
This is the Sunnah of the Mubtadi'oon: We always hear of challenges, debates and so on especially in Pakistan and this is their Sunnah and their style, they cant reach out enough to the masses so they try to entice them by challenging and debating.
Recorded at Mohammadi Masjid, Alum Rock, Birmingham on 24th June 2011


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